F01K STEAM ENGINE PLANTS; STEAM ACCUMULATORS; ENGINE PLANTS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR; ENGINES USING SPECIAL WORKING FLUIDS OR CYCLES (gas-turbine or jet-propulsion plants F02; nuclear power plants, engine arrangements therein G21D)

  NOTE - Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "steam" and "special vapour".

F01K 1/00 Steam accumulators (use of accumulators in steam engine plants F01K 3/00)

F01K 1/02 ・for storing steam otherwise than in a liquid

F01K 1/04 ・for storing steam in a liquid, e.g. Ruth`s type (in alkali to increase steam pressure F22B 1/20)

F01K 1/06 ・・Internal fittings facilitating steam distribution, steam formation, or circulation (acting during charging or discharging F01K 1/08; fittings facilitating circulation through multiple accumulators F01K 1/14)

F01K 1/08 ・Charging or discharging of accumulators with steam (peculiar to multiple accumulators F01K 1/12)

F01K 1/10 ・specially adapted for superheated steam

F01K 1/12 ・Multiple accumulators; Charging, discharging or regulating peculiar thereto

F01K 1/14 ・・Circulation

F01K 1/16 ・Other safety or regulating means

F01K 1/18 ・・for steam pressure

F01K 1/20 ・Other steam-accumulator parts, details, or accessories

  Steam engine plants

F01K 3/00 Plants characterised by the use of steam or heat accumulators, or intermediate steam heaters, therein (regenerating exhaust steam F01K 19/00)

F01K 3/002 ・{Steam conversion}

F01K 3/004 ・{Accumulation in the liquid branch of the circuit}

F01K 3/006 ・{Accumulators and steam compressors}

F01K 3/008 ・{Use of steam accumulators of the Ruth type for storing steam in water; Regulating thereof (Ruth accumulators per se F01K 1/04)}

F01K 3/02 ・Use of accumulators and specific engine types; Regulating thereof

F01K 3/04 ・・the engine being of multiple-inlet-pressure type

F01K 3/06 ・the engine being of extraction or non-condensing type {(F01K 3/004 takes precedence)}

F01K 3/08 ・Use of accumulators and the plant being specially adapted for a specific use

F01K 3/10 ・・for vehicle drive, e.g. for accumulator locomotives

F01K 3/12 ・having two or more accumulators

F01K 3/14 ・having both steam accumulator and heater, e.g. superheating accumulator (steam superheaters per se F22G)

F01K 3/16 ・・Mutual arrangement of accumulator and heater

F01K 3/18 ・having heaters (having both steam accumulator and heater F01K 3/14; steam heaters per se F22)

F01K 3/181 ・・{using nuclear heat (F01K 3/26 takes precedence)}

F01K 3/183 ・・・{one heater being a fired superheater}

F01K 3/185 ・・{using waste heat from outside the plant (F02G 5/00 takes precedence)}

F01K 3/186 ・・{using electric heat}

F01K 3/188 ・・{using heat from a specified chemical reaction}

F01K 3/20 ・・with heating by combustion gases of main boiler

F01K 3/205 ・・・{more than one circuit being heated by one boiler}

F01K 3/22 ・・・Controlling, e.g. starting, stopping (F01K 7/00, F01K 13/02 take precedence)

F01K 3/24 ・・with heating by separately-fired heaters

F01K 3/242 ・・・{delivering steam to a common mains}

F01K 3/245 ・・・{delivering steam at different pressure levels (F01K 3/247 takes precedence)}

F01K 3/247 ・・・{one heater being an incinerator}

F01K 3/26 ・・with heating by steam

F01K 3/262 ・・・{by means of heat exchangers}

F01K 3/265 ・・・・{using live steam for superheating or reheating}

F01K 3/267 ・・・{by mixing with steam e.g. LOFFLER-boiler}

F01K 5/00 Plants characterised by use of means for storing steam in an alkali to increase steam pressure, e.g. of Honigmann or Koenemann type

F01K 5/02 ・used in regenerative installation

F01K 7/00 Plants characterised by the use of specific types of engine (F01K 3/02 takes precedence); Plants or engines characterised by their e use of special steam systems, cycles, or processes (reciprocating piston engines using uniflow principle F01B 17/04); Regulating means peculiar to such systems, cycles, or processes; Use of withdrawn or exhaust steam for feed-water heating

F01K 7/02 ・the engines being of multiple-expansion type (the engines being only of turbine type F01K 7/16; the engines using steam of critical or overcritical pressure F01K 7/32; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K 7/34)

F01K 7/025 ・・{Consecutive expansion in a turbine or a positive displacement engine}

F01K 7/04 ・・Regulating means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/06 ・the engines being of multiple-inlet-pressure type (F01K 7/02 takes precedence; the engines being only of turbine type F01K 7/16; the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K 7/32; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K 7/34)

F01K 7/08 ・・Regulating means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/10 ・characterised by the engine exhaust pressure (the engines being only of turbine type F01K 7/16; the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K 7/32; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K 7/34)

F01K 7/12 ・・of condensing type

F01K 7/14 ・・・Regulating means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/16 ・the engines being only of turbine type (the engines using steam of critical or overcritical pressure F01K 7/32; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K 7/34)

F01K 7/165 ・・{Regulating means specially adapted therefor}

F01K 7/18 ・・the turbine being of multiple-inlet-pressure type

F01K 7/20 ・・・Regulating means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/22 ・・the turbines having inter-stage steam heating

F01K 7/223 ・・・{Inter-stage moisture separation}

F01K 7/226 ・・・{Inter-stage steam injection}

F01K 7/24 ・・・Regulating or safety means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/26 ・・the turbines having inter-stage steam accumulation

F01K 7/28 ・・・Regulating means peculiar thereto

F01K 7/30 ・・the turbines using exhaust steam only

F01K 7/32 ・the engines using steam of critical or overcritical pressure

F01K 7/34 ・the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type; Use of steam for feed-water heating (feed-water heaters in general F22D)

F01K 7/345 ・・{Control or safety-means particular thereto}

F01K 7/36 ・・the engines being of positive-displacement type

F01K 7/38 ・・the engines being of turbine type

F01K 7/40 ・・Use of two or more feed-water heaters in series

F01K 7/42 ・・Use of desuperheaters for feed-water heating

F01K 7/44 ・・Use of steam for feed-water heating and another purpose

F01K 9/00 Plants characterised by condensers arranged or modified to co-operate with the engines (by condensers structurally combined with engines F01K 11/00; steam condensers per se F28B)(F01K 23/04 takes precedence)

F01K 9/003 ・{condenser cooling circuits}

F01K 9/006 ・{Vacuum-breakers}

F01K 9/02 ・Arrangements or modifications of condensate or air pumps

F01K 9/023 ・・{Control thereof}

F01K 9/026 ・・{Returning condensate by capillarity}

F01K 9/04 ・with dump valves to by-pass stages

F01K 11/00 Plants characterised by the engines being structurally combined with boilers or condensers

F01K 11/02 ・the engines being turbines

F01K 11/04 ・the boilers or condensers being rotated in use

F01K 13/00 General lay-out or general methods of operation of complete plants

F01K 13/003 ・{Arrangements for measuring or testing (in general G01)}

F01K 13/006 ・{Auxiliaries or details not otherwise provided for}

F01K 13/02 ・Regulating, e.g. stopping or starting

F01K 13/025 ・・{Cooling the interior by injection during idling or stand-by}

F01K 15/00 Adaptations of plants for special use {F01K 7/02 takes precedence}

F01K 15/02 ・for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives (arrangements in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classes)

F01K 15/025 ・・{the vehicle being a steam locomotive}

F01K 15/04 ・・the vehicles being waterborne vessels

F01K 15/045 ・・・{Control thereof (F01K 3/22, F01K 7/00, F01K 13/02 take precedence)}

F01K 17/00 Using steam or condensate extracted or exhausted from steam engine plant (for heating feed-water F01K 7/34; returning condensate to boiler F22D){F01K 7/36 takes precedence}

F01K 17/005 ・{by means of a heat pump (heat pumps systems per se F25B)}

F01K 17/02 ・for heating purposes, e.g. industrial, domestic (F01K 17/06 takes precedence; domestic- or space-heating systems, e.g. central-heating systems, in general F24D 1/00, F24D 3/00, F24D 9/00)

F01K 17/025 ・・{in combination with at least one gas turbine, e.g. a combustion gas turbine}

F01K 17/04 ・for specific purposes other than heating (F01K 17/06 takes precedence)

F01K 17/06 ・Returning energy of steam, in exchanged form, to process, e.g. use of exhaust steam for drying solid fuel or plant

F01K 19/00 Regenerating or otherwise treating steam exhausted from steam engine plant (plants characterised by use of means for storing steam in an alkali to increase steam pressure F01K 5/00; returning condensate to boiler F22D){F01K 3/006 takes precedence}

F01K 19/02 ・Regenerating by compression

F01K 19/04 ・・in combination with cooling or heating

F01K 19/06 ・・in engine cylinder

F01K 19/08 ・・compression done by injection apparatus, jet blower, or the like

F01K 19/10 ・Cooling exhaust steam other than by condenser; Rendering exhaust steam invisible

F01K 21/00 Steam engine plants not otherwise provided for

F01K 21/005 ・{using mixtures of liquid and steam or evaporation of a liquid by expansion}

F01K 21/02 ・with steam-generation in engine-cylinders

F01K 21/04 ・using mixtures of steam and gas; Plants generating or heating steam by bringing water or steam into direct contact with hot gas ({F01K 25/005, F02B 47/02 take precedence; injecting water or steam into a as gas turbine plant F02C 3/305}; direct-contact steam generators in general F22B)

F01K 21/042 ・・{pure steam being expanded in a motor somewhere in the plant (F01K 21/045 takes precedence)}

F01K 21/045 ・・{Introducing gas and steam separately into the motor, e.g. admission to a single rotor through separate nozzles}

F01K 21/047 ・・{having at least one combustion gas turbine}

F01K 21/06 ・Treating live steam, other than thermo-dynamically, e.g. for fighting deposits in engine

F01K 23/00 Plants characterised by more than one engine delivering power external to the plant, the engines being driven by different fluids

F01K 23/02 ・the engine cycles being thermally coupled

F01K 23/04 ・・condensation heat from one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle

F01K 23/06 ・・combustion heat from one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle

F01K 23/061 ・・・{with combustion in a fluidised bed (plants with a fluidised-bed combustor comprising only gas-turbines F02C 3/205; fluidised-bed apparatus per se B01J 8/18; fluidised-bed combustors F23C 10/00; fluidised-bed steam-boilers F22B 31/0007)}

F01K 23/062 ・・・・{the combustion bed being pressurised (pressurised fluid bed combustion per se F23C 10/16)}

F01K 23/064 ・・・{in combination with an industrial process e.g. chemical, metallurgical (particularly adapted for a specific process see the relevant classes)}

F01K 23/065 ・・・{the combustion taking place in an internal combustion piston engine, e.g. a diesel engine}

F01K 23/067 ・・・{the combustion heat coming from a gasification or pyrolysis process, e.g. coal gasification (gas turbines with fuel gasifiers F02C 3/28)}

F01K 23/068 ・・・・{in combination with an oxygen producing plant, e.g. an air separation plant}

F01K 23/08 ・・・with working fluid of one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle

F01K 23/10 ・・・with exhaust fluid of one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle (F01K 17/025 takes precedence)

F01K 23/101 ・・・・{Regulating means specially adapted therefor (F01K 23/105, F01K 23/108 take precedence)}

F01K 23/103 ・・・・{with afterburner in exhaust boiler}

F01K 23/105 ・・・・・{Regulating means specially adapted therefor}

F01K 23/106 ・・・・{with water evaporated or preheated at different pressures in exhaust boiler}

F01K 23/108 ・・・・・{Regulating means specially adapted therefor}

F01K 23/12 ・the engines being mechanically coupled (F01K 23/02 takes precedence)

F01K 23/14 ・・including at least one combustion engine

F01K 23/16 ・・all the engines being turbines (F01K 23/14 takes precedence)

F01K 23/18 ・characterised by adaptation for specific use

F01K 25/00 Plants or engines characterised by use of special working fluids, not otherwise provided for; Plants operating in closed cycles and not otherwise provided for

F01K 25/005 ・{the working fluid being steam, created by combustion of hydrogen with oxygen}

F01K 25/02 ・the fluid remaining in the liquid phase

F01K 25/04 ・the fluid being in different phase, e.g. foamed

F01K 25/06 ・using mixtures of different fluids (plants using mixtures of steam and gas F01K 21/04)

F01K 25/065 ・・{with an absorption fluid remaining at least partly in the liquid state, e.g. water for ammonia (F01K 5/00 takes precedence)}

F01K 25/08 ・using special vapours

F01K 25/085 ・・{the vapour being sulfur}

F01K 25/10 ・・the vapours being cold, e.g. ammonia, carbon dioxide, ether

F01K 25/103 ・・・{Carbon dioxide (F01K 25/065 takes precedence)}

F01K 25/106 ・・・{Ammonia (F01K 25/065 takes precedence)}

F01K 25/12 ・・the vapours being metallic, e.g. mercury

F01K 25/14 ・・using industrial or other waste gases

F01K 27/00 Plants for converting heat or fluid energy into mechanical energy, not otherwise provided for

F01K 27/005 ・{by means of hydraulic motors}

F01K 27/02 ・Plants modified to use their waste heat, other than that of exhaust, e.g. engine-friction heat

--- Edited by Muguruma Professional Engineer Office(C), 2013 ---