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1.真空閉包から成るCRT、上記が、ガラスを含むスクリーンを形づくるために蛍光体フィルムでおおわれている内側の面を有するパネル、電子銃を収容している足管部分、そして、 連結しているファンネル部分前記ガラス・パネルおよび前記足管部分、そして、 反射防止、前記ガラスの外側の面に形づくられる反静電荷フィルムパネル、前記反射防止、反静電気は、フィルムを充電する1.6〜2.2の屈折率を有する高屈折率フィルム、そして、前記高未満の屈折率を有する低屈折率フィルム屈折率フィルム、はさまれている前記高屈折率フィルム前記ガラス・パネルおよび前記低屈折率の外側の面間のフィルム、そこにおいて、前記ローの外部表面の平均粗さ屈折率フィルムが、不均等の平均粗さ未満である前記高屈折率フィルムおよび前記ロー間のインターフェースの屈折率フィルム、そして、そこにおいて、高屈折率フィルムが、ある導通する。そして、グループから選択される少なくとも1含む電気伝導金属酸化物助詞および金属粒子。
Abstract: A cathode ray tube with a vacuum enclosure, including a glass panel having an inner face coated with a phosphor film to form a screen, a neck portion housing an electron gun, and a funnel portion connecting the glass panel and the neck portion. A high refractive index film made of electrically conductive metal oxide or metal (e.g., precious metal) particles and having a refractive index of 1.6 to 2.2, and a low refractive index film having a refractive index of 1.3 to 1.58, are formed on the outer face of the glass panel. The high refractive index film is sandwiched between the outer face of the glass panel and the low refractive index film and an average roughness of an outer surface of said low refractive index film is less than an average roughness of an unevenness of an interface between the high refractive index film and the low refractive index film.
1. A cathode ray tube comprising a vacuum enclosure, including a glass
panel having an inner face coated with a phosphor film to form a screen, a
neck portion housing an electron gun, and a funnel portion connecting said
glass panel and said neck portion, and an anti-reflection,
anti-electrostatic charge film formed on an outer face of said glass
panel, said anti-reflection, anti-electrostatic charge film including a
high refractive index film having a refractive index of 1.6 to 2.2 and a
low refractive index film having a refractive index less than said high
refractive index film, said high refractive index film being sandwiched
between the outer face of said glass panel and said low refractive index
film, wherein the average roughness of an outer surface of said low
refractive index film is less than an average roughness of an unevenness
of an interface between said high refractive index film and said low
refractive index film, and wherein the high refractive index film is
conductive and includes at least one selected from the group consisting of
electrically conductive metal oxide particles and metal particles.
Priority: JP 8-228382 19960829
Abstract: A server operating system supports multiple client-server sessions and enables a user to begin a session and later dynamically reconnect to that session even if the user uses two different client computers. The operating system has a multi-user session manager to enable multiple client-server sessions on the server and a multi-user stack protocol manager to manage one or more protocol stacks used in communicating with the clients. When a user connects to the server via a first client, the stack protocol manager assigns a first protocol stack to this first client-server connection and the session manager creates a first session for the user. When the user subsequently reconnects to the server using a second client that is different from the first client, the stack manager assigns a second protocol stack to a second client-server connection and the session begins creating a second session for the user. During this latter process, however, the session manager recognizes that the user is affiliated with the first session. The session manager adapts the first session to conform to the system configuration of the second client. The session manager then reassociates the second protocol stack with the reconfigured first session so that the user is returned to his/her original session, even though they logged on from a different client.
1. In a distributed computer system, a computer-implemented method
maintaining a session at a first computing device for a user who connects
to the first computing device via a second computing device, the session
conforming to a system configuration of the second computing device;
subsequently establishing a connection for the user who connects to the
first computing device via a third computing device, the third computing
device having a system configuration that is different than the second
computing device;
recognizing the user as being associated with the session;
adapting the session to conform to the system configuration of the third
computing device; and
reassociating the connection with the session.
スキャン電極、そして、保持している電極、そして、各々、スキャン電極間の間隔および保持している電極は、いずれが面を形づくるかについて吐出す、表層の放電間隔に対する複数のデータ電極配置された垂線、そして、データ電極および放電極対間の交点を含んでいる領域で、各々定義される複数のディスプレイ・セル、ディスプレイ・セルの複数のセットに寄せ集められているディスプレイ・セルの多数、三原色のためのディスプレイ・セルを含んでいる各々のセット。前記表層の放電間隔の近接の三原色の前記ディスプレイ・セルの中の同じ形状を有するディスプレイ・セルの各々のセットの放電極対、そして、 表層の放電間隔から部分遠隔式で三原色の前記ディスプレイ・セルの中の異なる形状を有すること。
複数の放電極は、各々の対を対にするそれ‖含むスキャン電極および保持している電極およびいずれが形をなすか、各々の対前記スキャン電極および前記保持すること間の表層の放電間隔電極、前記面に対する複数のデータ電極配置された垂線放電間隔、そして、複数のディスプレイ・セルは、領域で各々含むことを定義した前記データ電極および前記放電極間の交点対、存在が複数に分類したディスプレイ・セルの前記多数ディスプレイ・セルのセット、3つの一次のためのディスプレイ・セルを含んでいる各々のセットカラー、そこにおいて、各々の対がディスプレイ・セルの中でセットした前記放電極中で三原色の前記ディスプレイ・セルの中の同じ形状前記表層の放電間隔の近接、そして、 異なる形状を有すること一次が部分で遠隔式に色をつける3の前記ディスプレイ・セル前記表層の放電間隔。
Abstract: A surface discharge type color plasma display panel (PDP) having high color temperature and small white color deviation. The plasma display panel comprises: a plurality of discharge electrode pairs each of which includes a scanning electrode and a retaining electrode and each of which form a surface discharge gap between the scanning electrode and the retaining electrode; a plurality of data electrodes disposed perpendicular to the surface discharge gap; and a plurality of display cells each defined at an area including an intersection between the data electrode and the discharge electrode pair, the plurality of display cells being grouped into a plurality of sets of display cells, each set including display cells for three primary colors. The discharge electrode pair in each set of display cells having the same shape among said display cells of three primary colors in the proximity of said surface discharge gap, and having different shapes among said display cells of three primary colors at portions remote from the surface discharge gap.
1. A surface discharge type color plasma display panel comprising:
a plurality of discharge electrode pairs each pair of which includes a
scanning electrode and a retaining electrode and each pair of which forms
a surface discharge gap between said scanning electrode and said retaining
a plurality of data electrodes disposed perpendicular to said surface
discharge gap; and
a plurality of display cells each defined at an area including an
intersection between said data electrode and said discharge electrode
pair, said plurality of display cells being grouped into a plurality of
sets of display cells, each set including display cells for three primary
wherein said discharge electrode pair in each set of display cells having
the same shape among said display cells of three primary colors in the
proximity of said surface discharge gap, and having different shapes among
said display cells of three primary colors at portions remote from said
surface discharge gap.
Priority: JP 10-309553 19981016
電子ソースおよびイメージ-フォーミング・メンバが取り除かれる閉包、上記の電子-発しているデバイスを有する電子ソース。放出電流が、発される電子の量の非常に小さい変更を伴う安定である鋭いイメージが、高コントラストを伴う生じるそして、 制御が容易に担持される階調。
Abstract: In an electron beam apparatus including an enclosure in which an electron-emitting device having an electron-emitting region between opposite electrodes is disposed, the electron-emitting device exhibits such a characteristic as that an emission current is uniquely determined with respect to a device voltage. The interior of the enclosure is maintained under an atmosphere effective to prevent structural changes of the electron-emitting device. An image-forming apparatus includes an enclosure in which an electron source and an image-forming member are disposed, the electron source having the above electron-emitting device. An emission current is stable with a very small change in the amount of electrons emitted, a sharp image is produced with high contrast, and gradation control is easily carried out.
1. An electron beam apparatus comprising an enclosure in which an
electron-emitting device having an electron-emitting region between
opposite electrodes is disposed, wherein a material containing carbon as a
main ingredient is present at the electron emitting region and its
vicinity, and wherein an interior of said enclosure is maintained under an
atmosphere in which a partial pressure of residual carbon compounds is
less than 1.times.10.sup.-10 Torr, so as to prevent materials containing
carbon as a main ingredient from further depositing on said electron
emitting device.
Priority: JP 5-336708 19931228
Related Applications: 【抄録】ビデオ信号の処理ステージにおいて、発生しているビデオ信号および高周波成分において、含まれる高周波成分取るビデオ信号にフィルターをかける方法は、それが強い側その鮮明度が非常に悪化する効果がある。そして、フィルタが以下を含むときに、それが要素の分散の効果を被りやすい効果がある: Claim:
【抄録】本発明は、反射する十分のスペクトラムまたはtranmissiveな白黒のコレステリック液晶ディスプレーに関連がある。白い状態が、光鏡映の十分の全領域またはディスプレイのプレーナ集合組織の伝送によって、実現するそして、 黒い状態は、cholestericsがディスプレイの焦点の円すいの集合組織の種類偏光解消効果および分極剤のろ過効果を散乱させることによって、つくられる。散乱偏光解消効果およびマルチろ過プロセスが黒い暗い状態を生成できるということを発見した、コレステリック液晶の焦点の円すいの集合組織の状態を離れて光学であるもの。ディスプレイが容易にまる1色アップグレードされることができるcholestericsが前部で後ろの照射系のマイクロ・カラーフィルタ構成によって、表示するdark-and-whiteにおいて。 Claim:
【抄録】半導体要素が光源側に反対のディスプレイ側から、半導体要素に入る光のために誤動作するのを防止できる液晶ディスプレイ装置。液晶ディスプレイ装置は、以下を含む: Claim:
【抄録】電子カメラおよびパーソナルコンピュータのような外部デバイスが適切にカメラに接続しているかどうかについて検出する電子カメラを動かす、そして、通信を許可する状態の方法。カメラは、外部デバイスが適切に連結されると決定するためにRS-232の接続の、そして、通信を許可する状態のデータターミナルレディ(DTR)シグナルを監視する。適当な接続が検出される、カメラは、送信できるか外部デバイスからイメージおよび/または音声を受信できる。それに応じて、通信モードのカメラが排除されることができることを配置する特定のスイッチ。さらに、単一のスイッチが、デバイスがないときに、カメラがイメージを記録するかまたは演奏するかどうかについて制御することは連結した両方とものために利用できるそして、 それは、カメラが外部デバイスが連結されると決定されるイメージおよび/または音声を伝送するかまたは受信するかどうか制御する。 Claim:
Related Applications: 【抄録】電子-発しているデバイスは、以下を含む: Claim:
【抄録】透過的サブストレートから成るカラーフィルタ、前記透過的サブストレートに従って作られる遮光レイヤー、そして、 前記light-シールド・レイヤーが形づくられない一部の前記サブストレートに従って作られる複数のカラーの色のついた画素、そこにおいて、以下を含んでいる感光性のカラーリング合成の1色が形づくられる最少の前記色のついた画素: wherein said colored pixels of at least one color are formed from a photosensitive coloring composition comprising: (A) a pigment; (B) a copolymer of (meth)acrylic acid, as one monomer, and at least one other monomer; (C) a photopolymerizable monomer; (D) a photopolymerizable initiator; and (F) a solvent; and an acid value of a nonvolatile component of said photosensitive coloring composition is 25 through 60 mg KOH/g; and after forming the colored pixels from a photosensitive coloring composition, the light- shielding layer attains reflectance at 380 through 780 nm of 95% or more of reflectance thereof before coating the photosensitive coloring composition; and the transparent portion of the substrate attains transmittance at 380 through 780 nm of 99.5% or more of transmittance thereof before coating the photosensitive coloring composition. Claim:
【抄録】以下の式(I)のdiacetyleneに拠点を置くポリマー: wherein, Ar represents a light emitting group. The present invention also provides an electroluminescence device having a structure of anode/luminescent layer/cathode added with a transfer layer and/or a reflection layer, if necessary, in which the luminescent layer is made of the diacetylene-based polymer containing the light emitting group. The polymer of the present invention can be easily blended with a variety of macromolecules for general use. Claim:
【抄録】以下を含む突設している画像表示デバイスは、開示される: Claim:
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アナログ回路、そして、 このように、解かれる本発明の問題は、効果的に高周波成分を取ることになっている。本発明の液晶駆動装置において、サンプリングパルスがPLL回路41により建設されることを生成するためのタイミング回路4、周期的にサンプリング・フェーズを変化させるクロック・フェーズをシフトして、周期的にシグナルおよび画素間の位相関係を変化させるための移相器47、そして、 周期的な波形から成って、脈波によって、あらゆるラインまたはあらゆるフィールドを調整した交互シグナルのための入力手段、シグナルおよび画素間の位相関係を周期的に変化させることによって、再構成されている固定した画素、視覚フィルタリング効果をそれによって、持ってくること。
振動周波数を生成するための電圧制御種類オシレータ、前記発振に比較して、同期させるための位相比較器前記入力ビデオ信号のフェーズを伴う周波数、そして、 周波数分周によって、前記クロック信号を生成するための分周器フェーズ被同期振動周波数、変化させる前記クロック信号のフェーズをけた送りするための移相器ある前記入力ビデオ信号の偶数で奇数のライン間のサンプリング・フェーズ表示して、そして、さらにその他のためのサンプリング・フェーズを変化させるために整列するの前記入力ビデオ信号、そして、前記サンプリングパルスを生成するためのタイミングジェネレータ装置フェーズ・シフトされたクロック信号、フェーズを交替させている前記サンプリングパルスあらゆるラインのための関係および前記入力ビデオ信号のあらゆるフィールド、視覚フィルタリング効果を、それによって、与えることで。
Abstract: In order to remove high-frequency components contained in video signals and high-frequency components occurring in a processing stage of the video signals, a method of filtering the video signals has a problem that it has a strong side reaction that sharpness is greatly deteriorated and it is liable to suffer an effect of dispersion of elements when the filter comprises an analog circuit, and thus the problem of the present invention to be solved is to effectively remove the high-frequency components. In the liquid crystal driving device of the present invention, a timing circuit 4 for generating a sampling pulse is constructed by an PLL circuit 41 , a phase shifter 47 for periodically shifting the clock phase to vary the sampling phase and periodically varying the phase relationship between signals and pixels, and input means for alternating signals which comprise periodical waveform and modulated by a pulse wave every line or every field, the fixed pixels being restructured by periodically varying the phase relationship between the signals and the pixels, thereby bringing a visual filtering effect.
1. A driving device for a liquid crystal display device for sampling video
signals at a fixed period to display a color image on a panel, wherein a
timing circuit for generating a sampling pulse includes:
a PLL circuit for generating and synchronizing a clock signal for sampling
an input video signal, said PLL circuit comprising:
a voltage control type oscillator for generating an oscillation frequency,
a phase comparator for comparing and synchronizing said oscillation
frequency with the phase of said input video signal, and
a frequency divider for generating said clock signal by frequency dividing
the phase synchronized oscillation frequency;
a phase shifter for shifting the phase of said clock signal to vary the
sampling phase between even and odd lines of said input video signal to be
displayed and to further vary the sampling phase for every other line of
said input video signal; and
a timing generator unit for generating said sampling pulse on the basis of
the phase shifted clock signal; said sampling pulse alternating the phase
relationship for every line and every field of said input video signal,
thereby providing a visual filtering effect.
Priority: JP 9-173718 19970630
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a. 同じ有極性に賛成であるが、異なる複数の円偏波器後始末、b. ある円偏波器より上に形づくられる光学の反射するフィルム表示側に対する配置された正反対、c. 並列される複数の透過的伝導のパターニング・サブストレートセルが組み立てるフォームに、そして、d。固有有極性を有するコレステロール材料、そして、予め定めた制御可能なプレーナ集合組織に賛成で制御可能な反射する波長パターニング・サブストレートの間で取り除かれる焦点の円すい曲線集合組織、そこにおいて、セル構成は、少なくとも一つの面を伴う積層される減速度が木工丸鋸歯研削盤の中で撮影するこの種の方法の円偏波器分極剤が、木工丸鋸歯研削盤を案内するためにサブストレートに物理的に接続される平面集合組織領域の表示側に対する光を極性を与えるコレステロール材料、それによって光学の「閉路」状態が、制御可能なプレーナにおいて、表示されるセル構成および光学の「外れた」状態の集合組織領域が、あるセルの制御可能な焦点の円すい曲線集合組織領域の表示した構成。
Abstract: This invention is related to a full spectrum reflective or tranmissive black-and-white cholesteric liquid crystal display. The white state is realized by a full gamut of light reflection or transmission in the display's planar texture, and the black state is created by cholesterics' scattering type depolarization effect and polarizer's filtration effect in the display's focal conic texture. It has been discovered that the scattering depolarization effect and multi-filtration process can generate a black dark state, the optical "off" state in focal conic texture of cholesteric liquid crystals. In the dark-and-white cholesterics display can be easily upgraded to a full color display by means of micro-color filter structure in both front and back illuminating systems.
1. A full spectrum reflective display comprising:
a. a plurality of circular polarizers with same polarity but different
b. an optical reflective film formed above the circular polarizer that is
positioned opposite to the viewing side;
c. a plurality of transparent conductive patterning substrates juxtaposed
to form a cell structure; and
d. a cholesteric material having intrinsic polarity and predetermined
reflective wavelength with controllable planar texture and controllable
focal-conic texture disposed between the patterning substrates,
wherein the cell structure is laminated with at least one surface of the
circular polarizer in such a way that a retardation film of the circular
polarizer is physically attached to the substrate to guide circular
polarized light to the viewing side of the planar texture area of the
cholesteric material,
whereby an optical "on" state will be displayed in the controllable planar
texture area of the cell structure and an optical "off" state will be
displayed in the controllable focal-conic texture area of the cell
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第1のサブストレート(11)、第1のサブストレートおよび第2のサブストレートにはさまれる第2のサブストレートおよび液晶。液晶ディスプレイ装置が、第1のサブストレートを通じて形づくられる半導体要素(FG)から更に成って、マトリックスにおいて、整えたそして、 ブロック化されない場合、液晶ディスプレイ装置のディスプレイ表面から、半導体要素に入るだろう光をブロック化するための第1のサブストレートを通じて形づくられる遮光フィルム(BS)。
Abstract: A liquid crystal display device capable of preventing a semiconductor element from malfunctioning due to the light which enters the semiconductor element from the display side opposed to a light source side. The liquid crystal display device comprises a first substrate ( 11 ), a second substrate and a liquid crystal sandwiched between the first substrate and the second substrate. The liquid crystal display device further comprises semiconductor elements (FG) formed over the first substrate and arranged in a matrix, and a light shielding film (BS) formed over the first substrate for blocking the light which would enter the semiconductor elements from the display face of the liquid crystal display device if not blocked.
1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:
two opposing substrates, at least one which is transparent, a liquid
crystal layer interposed therebetween;
pixels formed over at least one of the two substrates, said pixels having a
pixel electrode;
a thin film transistor connected to said pixel electrode of said pixels,
said thin film transistor having a semiconductor layer with a first
surface and a second surface;
a first gate electrode of said thin film transistor of said pixels located
at a side of the first surface of said semiconductor layer;
a second gate electrode of said thin film transistor of said pixels located
at a side of the second surface of said semiconductor layer;
a plurality of first scanning signal lines connected to said first gate
electrode of said thin film transistor of said pixels for applying a
control voltage to said first gate electrode of said thin film transistor
of said pixels, said first scanning signal lines being located at the side
of the first surface of said semiconductor layer;
a plurality of second scanning signal lines connected to said second gate
electrode of said thin film transistor of said pixels for applying a
control voltage to said second gate electrode of said thin film transistor
of said pixels, said second scanning signal lines being located at the
side of the second surface of said semiconductor layer; and
a conductor layer which is extended from a source area of said thin film
transistor and interposed between said first scanning signal lines and
said second scanning signal lines;
wherein said thin film transistor is controlled by at least one control
voltage applied to said first gate electrode and said second gate
Priority: JP 10-094268 19980407
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Abstract: An electronic camera and method of operating an electronic camera which detects whether an external device such as a personal computer is properly connected to the camera and in a state which permits communication. The camera monitors a data terminal ready (DTR) signal of an RS-232 connection in order to determine that the external device is properly connected and in a state which permits communication. Once the proper connection is detected, the camera can either transmit or receive images and/or audio from the external device. Accordingly, a specific switch which places the camera in a communication mode can be eliminated. Further, a single switch may be utilized for both controlling whether the camera records or plays images when there is no device connected, and which controls whether the camera transmits or receives images and/or audio when an external device is determined to be connected.
What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by Letters Patent of the
United States is:
1. A method of controlling an electronic camera, comprising the steps of:
using a switch on the electronic camera for a first function, when the
electronic camera is unconnected to a computer;
detecting, by the electronic camera, that the electronic camera is
connected to the computer which is a personal computer and the computer is
in a state which permits communicating, the personal computer including a
using said switch on the electronic camera for a second function which is a
function for controlling communicating with the computer, in response to
the detecting step detecting that the electronic camera is connected to
the computer; and
capturing an image by the electronic camera using a shutter release button
of the electronic camera, the shutter release button being different from
said switch.
Priority: JP P7-032589 19950221 JP P7-032595 19950221 JP P7-040136 19950228 JP P7-040139 19950228 JP P7-209724 19950817US6111604 A
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一対の電極、一対の電気伝導フィルムは、第1の間隔全体に整えた前記電極の対になって、そして、電極の各々の前記対に連結した、そして、それが構成要素として異なる材料を含むフィルム電気伝導フィルムの前記対の電気伝導材料、前記少なくとも一つの前記対に連結されることを撮影する電気伝導であるフィルム、そして、 少なくとも一つの前記対に整えられること電気伝導フィルム、そして、形をなすために第1の間隔の取り除く第2の間隔。
Abstract: An electron-emitting device comprises a pair of oppositely disposed electrodes and an electroconductive film arranged between the electrodes and including a high resistance region. The high resistance region has a deposit containing carbon as a principal ingredient. The electron- emitting device can be used for an electron source of an image-forming apparatus of the flat panel type.
1. An electron-emitting device comprising:
a pair of electrodes;
a pair of electroconductive films arranged across a first gap between said
pair of electrodes and connected to each of said pair of electrodes; and
a film that includes as a constituent a material different from an
electroconductive material of said pair of electroconductive films, said
film being connected to at least one of said pair of electroconductive
films, and being arranged on the at least one of said pair of
electroconductive films and disposed in the first gap so as to form a
second gap.
Priority: JP 5-331103 19931227 JP 5-335925 19931228 JP 6-137317 19940620
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(A) 顔料、
(B) 共重合体の(meth)acrylic酸、1つの単量体として、そして、 少なくとも一つの他の単量体、
(C) photopolymerizableな単量体、
(D) photopolymerizableな開始プログラム、そして、
(F) 溶媒、そして、前記感光性のカラーリング合成の不揮発性のコンポーネントの酸価は、25〜60mgであるKOH/g、そして、感光性のカラーリング合成から色のついた画素を形づくった後に、レイヤーが感光性のカラーリング合成を被覆して、それの反射率の95%以上の380〜780ナノメートルで、反射率を達成するlight-シールド、そして、サブストレートの透過的部分は、感光性のカラーリング合成を被覆する前にそれの透過率の99.5%以上の380〜780ナノメートルで、透過率を達成する。
1.透過的サブストレートから成るカラーフィルタ、遮光前記透過的サブストレートに従って作られるレイヤー、そして、 画素色をつけるそこで一部の前記サブストレートに従って作られる複数のカラー前記遮光は、形づくられない、そこにおいて、少なくとも一つのカラーの前記色のついた画素は、形づくられる以下を含んでいる感光性のカラーリング合成:
(A) 顔料、(B) 共重合体の(meth)acrylic酸、そして、ベンジル(meth)acrylate、(C) dipentaerythritolは、hexaacrylateする、(D) 光重合開始プログラム、そして、
(E) 溶媒、そして、前記感光性のカラーリングの不揮発性のコンポーネントの酸価合成は、25〜60mgであるKOH‖/g.‖
Abstract: A color filter comprising a transparent substrate, a light-shielding layer patterned on said transparent substrate, and colored pixels of plural colors patterned on a portion of said substrate where said light- shielding layer is not formed,
1. A color filter comprising a transparent substrate, a light-shielding
layer patterned on said transparent substrate, and colored pixels of
plural colors patterned on a portion of said substrate where said
light-shielding is not formed,
wherein said colored pixels of at least one color are formed from a
photosensitive coloring composition comprising:
(A) a pigment;
(B) a copolymer of (meth)acrylic acid and benzyl (meth)acrylate;
(C) dipentaerythritol hexaacrylate;
(D) a photopolymerization initiator; and
(E) a solvent; and
an acid value of a nonvolatile component of said photosensitive coloring
composition is 25 through 60 mg KOH/g.
Priority: JP 11-055562 19990303
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[no drawing available]
##STR15## そこにおいて、Arが、少なくとも1時までに表される発光グループを表示する以下の式の:
##STR16## そこにおいて、RおよびR'は、同一であるか異なる、そして、 水素を表示する、1〜22の炭素を含んでいる脂肪族であるか脂環式のアルキルまたはアルコキシル基のグループアトム、6〜18の炭素原子を含んでいるアリールまたはaryloxyグループ、または、アルキル、または、シリコンのアリール導関数、すずまたはゲルマ、そして、nが同等の整数であるために以上、1に。
Abstract: A diacetylene-based polymer of the following formula (I):
1. A diacetylene-based polymer of the following formula (I):
wherein, Ar represents the light emitting group expressed by at least one
of the following formulas:
wherein R and R' are identical or different, and represent hydrogen,
aliphatic or alicyclic alkyl or alkoxy groups containing 1 to 22 carbon
atoms, aryl or aryloxy group containing 6 to 18 carbon atoms, or alkyl or
aryl derivatives of silicon, tin or germanium; and n is an integer equal
to or greater than 1.
Priority: KR 99/1056 19990115
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ディスプレイおよびマイクロ・レンズアレイ、そこにおいて、ディスプレイおよびマイクロ・レンズ素子の画素は、各々長さおよび幅方向の非対称特性を有する。そのようにそれほど軽いディスプレイデバイスの画素の上のカラーで区切られた光が黒いマトリックスにぶつけないミクロのレンズ濃縮物。長さおよび幅において、等しくない画素を有するディスプレイを提供することによって、赤い(R)に対応する画素、緑(G)および青(B)が、大幅に正方形の領域において、整えられることが可能であるそして、 長さおよび幅の非対称特性を有するマイクロ・レンズアレイを提供することによって、カラー分離された光は、非正方形のディスプレイ画素上へ1点に集められることが可能である。
Abstract: A projecting image display device is disclosed which includes a display and a micro lens array, where the pixels of the display and the micro lens elements each have non symmetric properties in length and width directions. The micro lens concentrates color-separated light onto pixels of a display device so that light does not hit the black matrix. By providing a display having pixels which are not equal in length and width, pixels corresponding to red (R), green (G) and blue (B) can be arranged in a substantially square area, and by providing a micro lens array which has non symmetric properties in length and width, the color separated light can be concentrated onto the non square display pixels.
1. An optical apparatus comprising:
a light source which is capable of generating light of a plurality of
a display for modulating light from said light source which is incident
thereon, said display including a plurality of pixels, each pixel having a
height and a width thereof being nonequivalent; and
a micro lens array for receiving light from said light source, either
directly or via another optical element, said micro lens array including a
plurality of micro lenses, said micro lenses being positioned to focus a
portion of said received light onto said display and at least one of said
micro lenses having a different optical power along substantially
perpendicular height and width directions.
Priority: JP 10-330379 19981120 JP 10-335581 19981126